Dr. Peter Ciampi Attends Dental Mission Trip to Help Those in Need

Dr. Patrick Cuozzo and Dr. Peter Ciampi at RAM health clinic event

Our experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Peter Ciampi, recently returned from a mission trip with Remote Area Medical (RAM) Volunteer Corps, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing health care services to people in remote areas of the United States. During this trip, Dr. Ciampi provided dental care to patients in Knoxville, TN and surrounding communities.

RAM is the host organization that brings together healthcare professionals from all over the country to provide a combination of medical, vision, and dental services to those who cannot afford it. Dr. Ciampi is a veteran participant of the program and was eager to partner again with RAM.

Dr. Ciampi performed a variety of dental procedures at the RAM clinic that most patients either put off or can’t afford, including tooth extractions, fillings and cleanings.

Participating in these mission trips allows Dr. Ciampi to connect with other professionals in the field, while giving back to the community and helping people feel confident in their smiles. He plans on continually participating in RAM’s volunteer programs this year.

To learn more about RAM, please visit www.ramusa.org.